piątek, 4 lutego 2011
wtorek, 28 grudnia 2010
_/i - "Blanga", 2005
czwartek, 23 grudnia 2010
_east of _aust day 5: "Faust Is Last", 2010

środa, 22 grudnia 2010
wtorek, 21 grudnia 2010
_east of _aust day 3: "Patchwork 1971-2002" and bonus

('Tis the most enjoyable bit of the cover art)
This editing frenzy is a subdued companion to 1973's "The Faust Tapes". Does not stand the comparison, alas (well, "TFT" is a piece of fuckin' genius), but all in all is solid on its own. And for all you completists/fetishists to know: this is the ONLY record to contain any manner whatsoever Faust recordings from the 1980s. So, no other way than dig it.
Bonus: I can't imagine a life without J'AI MAL AUX DENTS J'AI MAL AUX PIEDS AUSSI, so get The Faust Tapes if only to make the aforementioned comparison.
poniedziałek, 20 grudnia 2010
_east of _aust day 2: "Trial and Error" CD-R, 2005

niedziela, 19 grudnia 2010
_east of _aust day 1: "Edinburgh 1997"
czwartek, 3 czerwca 2010
Honorable mention: "Darker My Love" (2006)
niedziela, 31 stycznia 2010
John _ahey - 2x78, 1996
środa, 30 grudnia 2009
_itness _orever - "Personal Train", 2009

[thanks to the original anonymous uploader]
Having listened and watched them extensively on their MySpace page, I googled out this LP. Not my rip, not my upload, but definitely my cup of tea. And yours too - for the New Year's Eve and the whole of 2010. Bloody _antastic. I wish you a 24h-7d-365d PARTY!!! love.
wtorek, 29 grudnia 2009
_aust - "C'est Com...Com...Complique" - re-post
For the Old Year's last day, I've decided to put up the February Faust masterpiece once again. Unlike the previous rip, this one is mine; moreover, the sound quality this time is excellent - mp4 files at around 400 kbps (should you have trouble playing them, rename them to .m4a). Hotfile, 171 Mb.
niedziela, 17 maja 2009
_aust - What Really Happened to Faust (Peel Session 1998)
This material appeared a while ago on the once wonderful & now defunct Xhol Desert blog; luckily, the links are still active. It was a shock to me for three reasons:
1. I never knew this session even existed, and I thought I had known everything about Faust;
2. The music, apparently improvised, has not been published anywhere else;
3. It is sooooo great! It was made circa Ravvivando, and complements the official disc perfectly.
Get this brilliant stuff in the appropriate _LAC format here (parts 1&2) and here (part 3).
Or in mp3/320 - Mediafre, 72 Mb.
1. I never knew this session even existed, and I thought I had known everything about Faust;
2. The music, apparently improvised, has not been published anywhere else;
3. It is sooooo great! It was made circa Ravvivando, and complements the official disc perfectly.
Get this brilliant stuff in the appropriate _LAC format here (parts 1&2) and here (part 3).
Or in mp3/320 - Mediafre, 72 Mb.
środa, 13 maja 2009
_ushitsusha password
I don't know why, but it pisses me off: direct links to my uploads w/out any credit whatsoever.
I don't know why, but it pisses me off: direct links to my uploads w/out any credit whatsoever.
piątek, 17 kwietnia 2009
The _all - Extricate (re-post)
By request - a re-up of one of the Fall's finest.
ps. The band have just signed to Domino Records.
ps. The band have just signed to Domino Records.
środa, 8 kwietnia 2009
The _all - Reformation Post TLC, 2007

Hereby I join the Wendesday Fall appreciation society.
I'm not your typical Fall fan. I'm not too much into such classics as This Nation's Saving Grace, The Infotainment Scan or The Real New Fall LP, yet I deeply love their off-the-cuff masterpieces as Are You Are Missing Winner or this little cutie. Enjoy.
NB: this is the first UK pressing. The other ones supposedly have alternate mixes of a few tracks - anyone to share any of them?
czwartek, 5 lutego 2009
_aust - C'Est Com...Com...Complique (2009)
piątek, 28 listopada 2008
The _iery _urnaces - Gallowsbird's Bark, 2003
środa, 5 listopada 2008
The _leet _oxes - self-released EP, 2006

środa, 3 września 2008
The _all - "Extricate", 1990

poniedziałek, 4 sierpnia 2008
John _ahey - Days Have Gone By (1967)

I don't know why I didn't post it earlier. Haven't seen it uploaded anywhere else, though.
Congregation, this is a masterpiece. Solo acoustic guitar work augmented with some musique concrete, or pre-turntablism, if you will. The two parts of "A Raga Called Pat" will make you achieve a music-eater's nirvana. Ambient country never sounded better? Music never sounded better. The guy's in heaven now, mind you.
Leo _erre - Il n'y a plus rien (courtesy)

This was shared by pyrata of the excellent Muziksucker blog in response to my previous Ferre missive ages ago. I listened to it, and it's absolutely jawdropping, so I decided to put it here (click on the cover, you'll be redirected to the relevant Muziksucker post). I think it's the best record from the Monsieur - I have listened to quite a lot albums of his in the last few months, and they all kick ass, but this kicks a thousand asses. Pretty much orchestral stuff; ears up, Scott Walker fans, again. Dunno how he achieved this, but these wordy songs keep me on my toes, and I don't understand a word here! Recommendations? - "Richard", and of course the devastating title track.
piątek, 23 maja 2008
Leo _erre - Chante Aragon

That's all of Ferre's stuff I've got; anyone got anything to share? Most welcome.
poniedziałek, 12 maja 2008
The _all - Slates (1981), Room to Live (1982)
sobota, 10 maja 2008
New blog
Surprisingly enough, it turned out that there is also some good music from artists NOT sticking to our favourite letter. No shit. I have just decided to start a new blog with such unexpected treats:
There's only one nice record there so far, but I can promise you Bezunesh Bekele and Big Star within the next week.
There's only one nice record there so far, but I can promise you Bezunesh Bekele and Big Star within the next week.
wtorek, 29 kwietnia 2008
_aust/NWW - "Disconnected", 2007

(The eponymous NWW being obviously Nurse With Wound)
I don't know what to think about this album. There is great music here: the first track, Lass Mich, is Faust at its Faustiest, track three, Tu M'entends?, could easily have been "Ravvivando"'s gem, and the rest of the record are two droney ambient pieces. The songs are beautiful, and they hold together well, so, why am I disappointed? There probably should be more of this than these 49 minutes. It feels like an EP rather than an album proper.
PART 1 and PART2.
czwartek, 24 kwietnia 2008
Statistics bloody statistics
So, it's been a month over here, and 2000 hits. Could be worse.
The most popular download were for some time Fleet Foxes, but now it is the new Fall record. I'm so glad.
The public also tend to demand Leo Ferre, Morton Feldman and Fela Kuti.
Today or tomorrow expect a 'meta-post' with links to other F-indings worth your attention. And there's more of the old Fall to come.
Thank you, and please leave comments - either here or in the box.
The most popular download were for some time Fleet Foxes, but now it is the new Fall record. I'm so glad.
The public also tend to demand Leo Ferre, Morton Feldman and Fela Kuti.
Today or tomorrow expect a 'meta-post' with links to other F-indings worth your attention. And there's more of the old Fall to come.
Thank you, and please leave comments - either here or in the box.
niedziela, 20 kwietnia 2008
The _all - "Hex Enduction Hour", 1982
The _laming Lips with Beck - KCRW Session
Around 2002, Beck recruited the Flaming Lips as both the backing band and the support act for his Sea Change tour. It's a shame these recordings were not officially released. Waiting for a boxset in 2020, perhaps.
Songs: The Golden Age, We Live Again, Cold Brains, Do You Realize? (Beck solo version!), Lonesome Tears, Lost Cause, Little One, Paper Tiger, New Pollution.
Songs: The Golden Age, We Live Again, Cold Brains, Do You Realize? (Beck solo version!), Lonesome Tears, Lost Cause, Little One, Paper Tiger, New Pollution.
niedziela, 6 kwietnia 2008
Morton _eldman - Chamber Music

The Brian Eno of contemporary classical music. Even though all of his stuff sounds samey, you can easily say which piece is better. ('Why' is a whole another matter.) If you ask me, I'll point to the two last numbers on this cd.
1. For Franz Kline (1962)
2. - 4. The O'Hara Songs (1962)
5. De Kooning (1963)
6. Piano Piece (to Philip Guston) (1963)
7. Four Instruments (1965)
8. For Frank O'Hara (1973)
Performed by Ensemble Avantgarde (of Germany), released on Wergo Records in 1996. Encoded in the .ogg format at the absurd bitrate of 500: PART 1 and PART 2.
środa, 2 kwietnia 2008
The _iery _urnaces - "Blueberry Boat", 2004

Usual .ogg files, bitrate around 180 this time in order to make it less than 100 Mbytes.
The _or Carnation, 2000

The _laming Lips - "This Here Giraffe" EP, 1995

Encoded in the .ogg format at the extravagant bitrate of 500.
_ela Kuti - "Teacher Don't Teach Me Nonsense", 1986

The songs are in the .ogg format with the bitrate around 235.
wtorek, 25 marca 2008
Honorable mention: Souled American - "Frozen", 1994

Even though their name does not begin with F, three - out of six - albums by this Chicago outfit bear the following names: "Fe", "Flubber", and "Frozen". Plus, their music is _ucking awesome. They have to be credited as the inventors of alternative country. Anyone who heard them, started their own band (the Mountain Goats, Jim O'Rourke). I wanted to put up all their three F-albums, but I can't find "Fe" anywhere, so I'll just stick to my favourite one. "Frozen", their fifth record, was made after their drummer had left the band and the remaining three-piece (Chris Grigoroff, Joe Adducci, Scott Tuma) had decided to carry on sans drumming. It's not alt-country anymore, it's ambient country, for what it's worth. Utterly magical.
_ushitsusha - "Gold Blood", 1998

.mp3 files at the bitrate of 224, 120 Mb altogether: PART 1 and PART 2.
poniedziałek, 24 marca 2008
_aust - "Ravvivando", 1999

Some people tend to put down this period of the band. I never could understand why. I rate 'Ravvivando' as their BEST lp, along with 'The Faust Tapes'. Majestic psychedelic/industrial stuff, a bit droney, with very rich production. The cover fits the music perfectly. One of the best albums of the 1990s, really.
I have put this in the .ogg format rather than .mp3 with the bitrate around 320, so the whole album is split into PART 1 and PART 2. (password: the-big-f.blogspot.com)
Leo _erre - Avec Le Temps

The greatest man of the French chanson. Musically, he's much better than Brel et consortes. All you fans of Scott Walker or David Sylvian, give it a try. Even though this is a 'best of' type compilation, it starts off not so well, but each next song is better. The LP ends with the title track, the guy's most beautiful song. It can move you to tears.
1. La vie d'artiste
2. On s'aimera
3. Sa t'va
4. La gitane
5. Le bonheur
6. A toi
7. La lettre
8. Cette blessure
9. L'amour for
10. Avec le temps.
Thanks to an anonymous user on slsk for this.
niedziela, 23 marca 2008

Not much to be said, though: there is a series of compilation albums on Gear Fab Records called "Psychedelic States" with the 60s garage/psych/proto-punk bands from, ermmm, various US states. This here is track 7 off the "Georgia" cd. The song is called "Hurry". Awesome stuff.
_leet _oxes - leaked LP, 2008
Couldn't find the cover art, sorry.
Each time this album pops up somewhere, the links are immediately removed upon request from Sub Pop. Let's see how long this one lasts.
This, my friends, is a masterpiece. It is so great I just can't tell you. One of these great records of this world. In the vein of CSNY, but much better songwriting (with hints of Popol Vuh or Beach Boys) - ahhh, just brilliant. I'm definitely buying this when it finally comes out in June.
Each time this album pops up somewhere, the links are immediately removed upon request from Sub Pop. Let's see how long this one lasts.
This, my friends, is a masterpiece. It is so great I just can't tell you. One of these great records of this world. In the vein of CSNY, but much better songwriting (with hints of Popol Vuh or Beach Boys) - ahhh, just brilliant. I'm definitely buying this when it finally comes out in June.
The _all - Imperial Wax Solvent, leaked version, 2008

I'm starting this blog quite appropriately with the leak of the new record by the best band on earth, as John Peel once said. The record is about aging; Mark E. Smith sings "I'm a 50 year old man, and I like it!" (he is 51 this year, btw). Musically, it reminds me of what they did in the early '90s, generic indie rock with harsh synths. Even the cover looks like that of Extricate or Code: Selfish.
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